Hey, everyone! STARFALL, the second and final book in the Starflight duology, is set to launch soon, and I’m looking for volunteers to help me celebrate on Thursday, February 9th with a release day blitz! Bloggers, Booktubers, Instagrammers…anyone can join. The more the merrier!
How will it work? It’s easy! If you sign up to participate, I’ll email you the day before launch (February 8th) with the blitz materials. The materials will include a pre-written blog post, a cover image, and a rafflecopter widget for those of you who blog. If you don’t have a blog, no worries! The materials will also include a pre-made graphic for you to post on social media. Just share the news on February 9th in whatever way that works best for you! 🙂
Interested in joining the blitz? Just fill out this simple form: